I guess the look I'm best known for is 'Blue Steel'.

The Blog of CCJAD

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The start of something fresh?

Friday, March 04, 2011 by Calum Beck

I doubt anyone noticed the ducks whist they were weaving in and out of the HTML but I updated the blog again, just on a temporary basis, to a new layout which is anything but perfect.
As a result it seems our south bound friends won't be flying back up north for summer, such a shame.

I'm currently working on a completely new look but it has been a ridiculously long time since I put any effort into it so here's a simple little change for the moment.

However, the music is now AWESOME, not that it wasn't before ('Ruff mix' by 'wonderdog' and 'Zabadak' by too many people to list). I invite anyone from CCJAD to post here again if they've got the time, it looks nicer than it did in green!

Sorry about the blog archive column as well, it didn't quite come out as expected but I'm too tired to sort it.

In conclusion, enjoy this small update. Calum

Ps. I was so lazy I actually googled 'Funny picture' to post something nice for people to look at, but it seems the internet is shit. Here's a startling painting of the many 'Zelda' series protagonists and antagonists throughout all the many timelines. You don't have to be that nerdy to appreciate it. It's been circling around the internet for a while now, but it's awe inspiring if you're a fan and haven't yet stumbled across it.