I guess the look I'm best known for is 'Blue Steel'.

The Blog of CCJAD

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Last but not least...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 by CCJAD Blog

Hey all, I'm David, the last of the bloggers. I've been shirking my duties, according to Chris, so I thought I'd better say hello. As I said, I'm David, and just like the rest, I've got a nickname, I usually change it randomly to annoy, but I'll always come back to Cyrano.

I dont really know what to say on this, so I guess just a summary of moi will do. I'm 16, second youngest of the group, unlike the pensioner Cass, lol. I'm going out with Debbie, my girlfriend of 7 months this thursday, which rocks. I spend A LOT of time drawing, as anyone who knows me will tell you, whoever you are, I know you as 'random person from somewhere', so hello to you all. :P

Anyway, drawing, I spend ages doing it cause its really my only skill, and I really enjoy so go me. Many I draw the JL(Justice League). I've recently finished Kingdom Come, a graphic novel by Mark Waid and Alex Ross, who is the greatest comic book artist on earth. The art is amazing, and the storyline is very well done, a tad philosophical but owns none the less. If you ever get the chance, I recommend you read it, many times, Chris and Calum have read it too, and they both agreed it was good. I'll be on again soon, I just wanted to say hi, and let you all know the D of CCJAD stood for something :P


(Chris: Un-typo'd :D)

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CCJAD Blog said...


The non-text talk was too good to be true.